Enthusiastic folks who wish to learn how to identify South Florida's wild plants
This month we will meet at Kendall Indian Hammocks Park located here. Park your car (or bicycle) along SW 79th Street, in parking area west of skateboard park near the restrooms. We will meet at the western trailhead. This hammock is unusual for its highly sandy soil, native hammock species along with non native species occur here. We will begin the trip at 5:00PM sharp! Plan on about an hour (the park closes at sunset).
Bring a mask, loupe, pen, notebook, and a curious mind. There are restrooms here. If you want help identifying plants from home, feel free to bring up to three.
Views: 111
Here are the two ferns from the trip that Steve recognized as being unusual/not listed for the park (both non-native). First is the one that was way up in the live oak:
Second is the one that was on cabbage palmetto next to the shoestring fern, just as we were finishing up:
My other iNat observations from the workshop (I wasn't exactly thorough so sorry if I didn't post any plants that others may have been interested in looking at later!):
Plants new for Kendall Indian Hammocks from yesterday's field trip.
Participants were Joseph Montes de Oca, Patty Phares, Mary Rose, Leslie McConachie, Elizabeth Wu, and Leah Laurel.
Ophioglossum pendulum (click species for link to photograph)
Drynaria quercifolia (growing on live oak)
Platycerium bifurcatum (on live oak)
Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Costus pulverulentus (well established, likely persisting from dumped material)
Murraya paniculata (may have been planted in the hammock)
Musa xparadisiaca (cultivated in hammock)
Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides
Jasminum fluminense
Erigeron quercifolius (in picnic area)
Evolvulus sericeus (in picnic area)
Washingtonia robusta
Calyptranthes pallens (cultivated)
Quadrella jamaicensis (cultivated)
Just a note, field trip may last longer, as we have an extra hour of daylight!
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